Friday, January 11, 2013

Lake in November

We ended up with a free weekend in November, so we decided to head out to the lake to check on our place.  The beautiful weather continued, and we were able to spend most of the weekend outdoors.  We had brought some new stuff down with us for the kids to do outside, so they were thrilled to pull it all out.

We spent time doing sidewalk chalk, playing basketball, trying t-ball, skateboarding, and throwing rings.  It was a really fun way to spend a fall weekend.  

After testing all the toys out, the kids decided they wanted to do a picnic.  We pulled out a table and chairs and had our afternoon snack on the front yard.  The weather was so nice even Zoe could join us.  

That was the last really enjoyable weekend we had before it turned a little cooler, so we were really glad we made the most of it outside.  

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Kid Pictures

Lunch with Grandpa

With Zach's family at a costume wedding reception

Anna loves costumes.  Buzz Lightyear is a favorite

Charlie calls his Lego building "artwork"

Me and my rugrats

The kids were so proud to help me vote

Zoe thinks Charlie is just the best

Best friends

She is the sweetest

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Carving pumpkins

The kids were adamant that they wanted coordinated costumes for Halloween this year.  The original plan was to do Mickey and Minnie Mouse for Charlie and Anna.  They were so excited about the idea.  I went to the Disney store thinking they would have the costumes no problem.  I easily found a Minnie Mouse dress for Anna, but there were no Mickey outfits.  Turns out they only carry Mickey for 24 months and under.  After searching everywhere, there was no decent Mickey costume to be found.

Wearing Minnie Mouse

She's so beautiful!

Top Gun costumes.  Zach and I went to a Halloween/costume themed wedding.  So fun!

So we went to Plan B: we hit up Party City.  There we found Lion King costumes.  The kids were obsessed with that movie and the stuffed animals the entire fall, so they were very excited by these.  It came complete with a body outfit, lion head, and little lion gloves.  The kids looked adorable.

Charlie was so happy to see us at his parade

Love him

Charlie's school does a Halloween parade and party, so the kids wore the costumes to that.  They were the cutest in the school if I do say so myself.  

After the party we headed home for dinner and trick or treating.  We had a babysitter for the night, so she stayed in with Zoe and passed out candy.  Charlie and Anna went for a little while, but it was pretty cold out.  Again this year Anna wanted to continue long after Charlie lost interest.  We finally got Anna to agree to head home, and they both had a blast answering the door and seeing the other kids' costumes.    

Zoe loved trying to open all the candy

Monday, January 7, 2013

Zoo with Grandpa

We had great weather for the end of October this year.  We really lucked out.  My dad stayed with us for a while after Charlie's birthday, so we got to do a bunch of stuff with him.  Besides the pumpkin patch we also hit up the zoo.  The kids love going and seeing all the different animals there.

We checked out the polar bear when we first got in.  The poor bear just does back flips all day every day.  I was really glad to hear the he will be getting friend to join him soon.  After that we went to the merry go round.  That is the kids favorite thing to do.  They would ride all day if we would let them.

Then we went for a walk all over the zoo.  There is a long sky lift ride that goes over the Africa section.  Charlie rode with Zach and Anna went with Grandpa.  They had a blast riding over all the animals.   

Grandpa and Anna on sky ride

We also made sure to see the lions.  Those are their favorite animals there.  The zoo is the perfect place to wear the kids out.  They loved all the fresh air and had fun showing the animals to Grandpa.

Trying to spot the lions

Heading home happy and tired