Saturday, September 29, 2012

Keuka Lake

One of my favorite places in the world is Keuka Lake.  It is located in upstate NY amongst vineyards and is absolutely beautiful.  My grandparents have had a cottage on the lake as long as I can remember.  Growing up, we spent most of the summer there.  I have wonderful memories of seeing family, swimming in freezing water, and playing air hockey in the basement.

Grandpa Schutt meeting Zoe

A view of the dock and boat from the back porch

Each year it gets harder to get to the lake for a visit.  Even though we still try to go up to NY each summer our trips get shorter and we add more kids.  This year we were upstate for 5 days and managed to carve out a day to see my grandpa.

Heading down to the dock

What a gorgeous view

Life jacket time

Grandpa Schutt bought a new boat for the lake, and we really wanted to check it out.  It was fun having one there since it has been quite a few years since they got rid of their old one.  We took the kids out for a short ride, and they had a lot of fun.

Anna riding with Grandpa

Zoe just hangs out

It really was a relaxing, enjoyable day, and I am so glad we were able to make it back to Keuka.  

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Meeting Zoe

Our trip to NY was a perfect time to introduce Zoe to everyone.  My brother Jeff and his wife Beth stopped by in the days before we left for NY and got to meet Zoe first.

With Jeff on his stop when moving back to Boulder

Grandpa Abbott at the airport

After heading out, we went to Rochester, Penn Yan, and Syracuse to see family.  Zoe got to meet lots of relatives.  Although she obviously won't remember, it was a lot of fun for us.  

Uncle Paul

My cousin Ryan

Zoe is such a good cuddle bug.  She will go to anyone without fussing.  It made it easy to pass her off so everyone got some time with her.

Grandpa Schutt

My cousin Craig

Aunt Debra

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Charlie has been moving into a superhero phase lately.  He has a bunch of toys, and I even found him a Batman shirt with a cape.  Charlie really liked the shirt, but Anna was getting jealous that she didn't have one too.

The other day we happened upon a Superman shirt with cape, too.  Charlie was ecstatic.  Before bed the other night we put them in their superhero shirts to sleep in.  The were thrilled!  

Anna loved being Batman so much that she even wore it all day the next day too.  

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Grandma and Grandpa at the Lake

A few days after my dad came to visit in August my mom headed up.  She had been teaching, and school finally let out for the semester.  It was a lot of fun to have both my parents up here for about 5 days.  

We decided to spend part of the time they were here at the lake.  Charlie was thrilled that the car was so full both Grandma and Grandpa were going to sit in the back of the van with him.  I think he gets a little lonely back there sometimes!

Zach teaching Mom the jet ski

It is an almost 3 hour drive to the lake if you count stopping for gas/bathroom break part way.  We made it a little longer by grabbing dinner.  It was a terrific weekend, though, and well worth the drive!

Charlie had some awesome cannonballs!

The kids played with Grandpa and Grandma in the pool a bit.  Then we got both my parents out on jet skis.  

Anna stepped in the pool while yelling cannonball

Her one and only attempt at jumping in!

Much of the time was spent right off our back porch, though.  The kids had their water table and blow up pool that they just love.  The spent a long time practicing their cannonballs into the little pool, which was hysterical to watch.  Anna even spent some time chasing Charlie around with the hose, which made them laugh like crazy. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Beautiful Kids

My sweet Zoe

Our own Batman!

Over 100 degrees, but Anna loves wearing a coat

Miss Zoe never stops smiling

Baby kisses

Baptism invite picture

Charlie wearing his shirt in honor of Jeff and Beth being in London

See, she really never stops smiling!

Happy Birthday Mom

I want to wish a very happy birthday to the most wonderful woman I know - my mom!