Thursday, September 6, 2012

Anna's New Bed

This is easy to get out of!

Anna has been close to getting out of her crib for months but never really minded being in it.  She actually likes going down for naps and bed, so we did not have a problem until during my dad's visit.  All the sudden one nap time we heard a big thud and then lots of laughing!

Baby gate at the door to keep her in her room

We went upstairs and there she was a her door.  We put her back in the crib, and she showed us how she could hook her foot over the side and gently lower herself down.  Time for the big girl bed.

We had bought a cute white toddler bed for her a little while back, and it was waiting for her in the middle of her room.  Her first bed time in the bed was a little challenge.  She kept getting up and playing.  Thanks to the iBaby app on our phones we could watch and take pictures of her!  Finally daddy had to go lay down with her around midnight (normal bed time 7:30) to get her down.

Thanks Daddy for sleeping with me!

Thankfully after just a few days of not liking the bed, Anna has gotten used to it and doesn't mind sleeping in it.  She's such a good girl!


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