Tuesday, November 13, 2012

More Cute Kid Pictures

Grandpa, Zach, and Charlie had a guys day at Lego Land

Buying some snazzy new shoes

First taste of cereal

She wanted to be a princess but had a total meltdown when the dress went on

Picnic for the boys

Monday, November 12, 2012

Disney in September

We're here!

The kids, like all kids, love Disney.  Anna is particularly obsessed with Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse.  She talks about them all the time.  She loves watching the Mickey Clubhouse cartoon and knows all the characters.


Anna waving to characters in the parade

We are so glad my parents live down in south Florida because that allows us to take the kids to Disney.  We are already paying for plane tickets and have a free place to stay and car to use, so that makes a day trip to Disney World a lot more affordable.  Plus my parents agreed to spend the day with Zoe, so we did not have to take her with us.

There's Mickey and Minnie!

When we got there we went to see Mickey and Minnie.  The kids were really excited.  They were bouncing uncontrollably as we waited in line.  Then we got close enough to see the characters.  Charlie was ecstatic, Anna not so much.  Anna just cried and cried.  She wouldn't go near them.  We ended up having to hold her the whole time while Charlie was beaming with joy.  Of course the moment we left the room Anna started saying how much she loved Mickey and Minnie again.  Up close they were just too terrifying.

Charlie managed to find the one Lion King toy he didn't yet have

We did a ton of rides while we were there.  Charlie did his favorite, Splash Mountain, a few times.  I hadn't been on it in a long time and was excited to go with him.  We got picked for the front row, and I had forgotten how soaked you would get!  Charlie thought it was awesome though, and he laughed hysterically as water poured all over us.

Before Splash Mountain- dry

After Splash Mountain- Soaked

Can you tell Zach knew exactly where the camera was??

We also took Charlie on Big Thunder Railroad for the first time and did a bunch of old favorites like Pooh.  We managed to catch a few of the short parades, which the kids really love to see.  After packing the day full we headed back to my parents and Zoe.  We got enough in that one day at the park was perfect.  Can't wait to take the kids back! 

Checking out the new area of Disney complete with a water area

Buzz Lightyear ride - Zach hamming it up for the camera
Such a sweet face

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Eye Love U!

I taught Charlie how to say "I love you" to people by pointing at his eye, then his heart, then the person.  He thought it was the coolest thing ever.  He does it all the time now.

Once Anna saw him, she had to get in on the action too.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

September Florida Trip

Watching the plane as we prepare to board

In September we headed down to Florida to visit my parents, as we do every year.  It is a great time to go down there because the weather is usually really nice.  The kids love Grandma and Grandpa, and it had been a month since we last saw them.  

3D movie with Grandpa

A rare picture of all 5 of us.  Love it!!

We did two day trips while we were there, Disney and Lego Land.  Those pictures will follow.  The kids really spent a ton of time in the pool.  That is their favorite thing to do, and we have to fight to get them out.  Lots of fun pictures!

They also had just a fantastic time doing anything that involved Grandma or Grandpa.  It could be just sitting on the couch, and the kids thought it was the most fun ever!  We are so lucky to get to visit them so often.

This face makes me so happy

Zoe loves Grandpa-time

The girls all together while the guys hit up Lego Land

I love these pictures of Anna waiting for Grandpa while he walked the puppies.

Look at Anna peeking out.  Cutest thing ever!

We always miss them when we have to leave.

 The part of the trip that was best?  All three kids sleeping for the plane ride home!!