Thursday, November 1, 2012

September Florida Trip

Watching the plane as we prepare to board

In September we headed down to Florida to visit my parents, as we do every year.  It is a great time to go down there because the weather is usually really nice.  The kids love Grandma and Grandpa, and it had been a month since we last saw them.  

3D movie with Grandpa

A rare picture of all 5 of us.  Love it!!

We did two day trips while we were there, Disney and Lego Land.  Those pictures will follow.  The kids really spent a ton of time in the pool.  That is their favorite thing to do, and we have to fight to get them out.  Lots of fun pictures!

They also had just a fantastic time doing anything that involved Grandma or Grandpa.  It could be just sitting on the couch, and the kids thought it was the most fun ever!  We are so lucky to get to visit them so often.

This face makes me so happy

Zoe loves Grandpa-time

The girls all together while the guys hit up Lego Land

I love these pictures of Anna waiting for Grandpa while he walked the puppies.

Look at Anna peeking out.  Cutest thing ever!

We always miss them when we have to leave.

 The part of the trip that was best?  All three kids sleeping for the plane ride home!!  

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