Thursday, April 18, 2013

Miscellaneous Cuteness

Lunch with GiGi

We brought the gun show with us!

Chocolate chip cookie

She loves pickles

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

End of Florida Trip

Pool time in January

Zoe napping on Grandma

We had so much fun in Florida in January.  The weather in KC was cold and miserable.  We were so happy to be somewhere warmer and sunny.  The kids loved being with Grandma and Grandpa too.




We finished out the trip down there with a visit to our favorite restaurant, The Pancake Place (as we call it.)  The kids also spent some more time in the pool.  Then it was time to pack up and head back home.  Thankfully we knew we would be back in just two months for another visit.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Disney in January Part IV

After eating dinner, we decided to hit up some more rides before heading home.  The kids were full of energy still, and they wanted to keep going.

We rode Dumbo, which the kids just loved.  It is exactly the same as Aladdin's Carpet, but they would ride both over and over if we would let them.  Another favorite is Buzz Lightyear, which we made sure to get in.  We stayed at the park until about 9:00 pm, at which point Zach and I were done in!

Can you tell he knows where the camera is??

Our trip to Disney in January we obviously packed a lot in!  The kids had the best time, and we got to see and do a ton.  It was so much fun having the time with Charlie and Anna, although we cannot wait until Zoe is old enough to come enjoy it with us.  

On the bus to our car.  Our favorite picture of the trip!!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Disney in January Part III - Cinderella's Castle

For years we have been trying to eat at the restaurant in Cinderella's Castle.  It is always booked up.  You can book reservations months in advance, and by golly everyone does.  Everyone except us.  

The kids have been dying to go, and we had been checking incessantly for openings.  We were willing to take anything we could get.  Thankfully Disney finally opened a new restaurant themed around Belle, and we were able to get a 4:00 pm dinner reservation at Cinderella's Castle.  The kids were thrilled!

Girls got a wand

Boys got a sword

When you get there you are immediately put in a line to meet Cinderella.  She talks to the kids and poses for pictures.  We got one large one and four small copies complimentary.  Then you head up a long staircase to the second floor.

Lipstick from Snow White

We sat at a table and got to look out over the park while we ate.  It was a great view!  We had a menu of food to choose from, and the food was really good.  While we ate princesses stopped by the table for pictures and to chat.  We were concerned Anna would be afraid of the princesses, but she loved them.  Charlie thought it was the best time ever, especially when he got a sword.  It was kind of expensive to do but definitely worth doing once for the kids. 


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Disney in January Part II - Minnie Mouse

While Anna loved seeing Mickey Mouse, she could not contain herself about seeing Minnie.  She was all set with her Minnie Mouse dress and hat.  Unfortunately Minnie no longer hangs out with Mickey and is instead on the other side of the park with Daisy Duck.  There is no fast pass option, so you are stuck waiting in line.

Daisy was first

Luckily the line did not last long.  It was about three rows deep but kept moving.  When we got two rows back, we could see Minnie Mouse really well, and Anna was super excited.  Minnie was on a little platform taking pictures with kids as they came up.

It's Minnie Mouse!!

All the sudden Minnie locked eyes with Anna.  Minnie then stopped the kids waiting to see her, got off her podium, and came over to Anna.  Obviously Minnie could not talk to her, but Minnie gestured to their matching outfits and hugged Anna.  She didn't interact with anyone else.  Minnie was just loving on Anna for a full minute before going back to work.  It was so cute!  All the other little girls were dressed up as princesses, so Minnie was thrilled to see a mini-Minnie!

Kissing Minnie

Getting a kiss back

Anna and Charlie were really happy when it was finally their turn to take pictures.  Minnie was overdue for a break, but she waited to stop until she got to Anna.  Minnie did a great job making Anna feel special!  

Charlie loved seeing her too