Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Disney in January Part IV

After eating dinner, we decided to hit up some more rides before heading home.  The kids were full of energy still, and they wanted to keep going.

We rode Dumbo, which the kids just loved.  It is exactly the same as Aladdin's Carpet, but they would ride both over and over if we would let them.  Another favorite is Buzz Lightyear, which we made sure to get in.  We stayed at the park until about 9:00 pm, at which point Zach and I were done in!

Can you tell he knows where the camera is??

Our trip to Disney in January we obviously packed a lot in!  The kids had the best time, and we got to see and do a ton.  It was so much fun having the time with Charlie and Anna, although we cannot wait until Zoe is old enough to come enjoy it with us.  

On the bus to our car.  Our favorite picture of the trip!!

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