Thursday, May 3, 2012

Easter at Home

Easter was a blast with the kids!  We started talking about the Easter bunny and what happens Easter morning with Charlie and Anna a few weeks ahead of time.  Charlie kept asking about the "Easter Rabbit" and was very excited about getting his basket and looking for eggs.

What is going on?

My basket! 

My family has a tradition of hiding the Easter baskets and then we would get up and look for them in morning.  It was always a lot of fun to search for them.  My mom used to really hide the baskets hard, and we would often spend quite a while looking for them.  We made it a little easier for the kids since it was their first time!

Charlie was so happy!

Anna was trying to figure what was going on

They were so excited when they found their Easter baskets with goodies inside.  Charlie got a Thomas basket and Anna got a Minnie Mouse one.  They thought that was cool enough, and then they realized there were gifts inside.  Neither of them is big on sweets, so we put a movie and a couple of small toys in the baskets, and they were happy with that.

Time to hunt for eggs

After finding the baskets, we got dressed and went outside to search for eggs that Zach hid.  Since the kids are still so little, it was nice because we could basically just throw the eggs into the yard, and they had fun running around to get them.  Anna even would let us take them out of her basket and throw them back in the yard so she could look for them again.

Once we finished all that, we headed to Zach's aunt's house for a second Easter hunt and family time.  More on that later.

Anna realized she could climb up the bar stool to get to the counter and get into the baskets

PS We do realize the Easter bunny is not the main reason for Easter!  Next year I plan to do some more explaining on the real reason we celebrate.

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