Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Easter at Jeanne's

Jeanne, Howard and Anna looking for eggs
Zach's aunt, Jeanne, hosts Easter afternoon at her house each year.  It is a lot of fun to see everyone together there.  The kids love getting to run around Jeanne's big backyard with all their cousins.  

Playing with cousins.  Anna would not put down her new Minnie Mouse Easter basket!

Having a snack with PawPaw

Everyone brings food to contribute to lunch, and then the kids get to participate in an Easter egg hunt for prizes.  After that is a "young adult" Easter egg hunt.  All of us that are too old for the kid hunt but still under 40 get to do a very hard scavenger hunt at the school across the street from Jeanne's house.  It is a lot of fun but hard work.  This year my team won, much to Zach's chagrin, but Charlie was thrilled since he helped us out.

Charlie getting help from Daddy

The kids had a great time running around and getting exhausted over at Jeanne's.  

Listening to the rules for the adult hunt

Playing on the playground while we ran around on the scavenger hunt

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