Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Lake for the 4th of July

This sums up our weekend

By the 4th of July we were going stir crazy.  It has been a ridiculously hot summer, and we just wanted to get out of the house.  Zoe was finally old enough, and I was finally feeling well enough, to head to the lake for a long weekend.

It felt so good to get up to the lake for some relaxing family time.  The kids just love it there!  Our complex has only 8 families living there, so it is very private.  There is a pool just outside our backdoor, which is awesome.  There is also obviously the lake to swim in.  

Charlie and Anna were most excited to get on the jet ski, though.  Zach was brave enough to take both of them at once, and they all had a blast out on the water.

We also have a small blow up pool and water table to use right out back.  It is great because I can have Zoe inside in the guest room with the screen door, and I can be right there on the back patio playing with kids.  It was a great first visit to the lake for the season!

Monday, July 30, 2012


The kids love getting new sunglasses or "eyes" as they call them.  Charlie and Anna are obsessed with getting new pairs.  They are very opinionated on which pair they will wear with which outfit.  It is really funny!

We went to Target the other day because my sunglasses broke, so I needed to pick up a new pair.  Anna made sure to try them out for me.

The kids were so excited that I got a new pair that they started begging for a pair too.  Charlie has about 5 pairs of Thomas the Train ones, but he has decided that he has gotten to old for train stuff now.  How is he getting so old?!?  He picked out a new pair of Cars eyes and Anna went for a hippie style.  These kids make me laugh!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Maker Faire

Me and all three kids

There was an exhibit up at Union Station at the end of June called Maker Faire.  It sounded interesting since it was supposed to be full of things that people created themselves from technology to homemade clothes.  They billed it as a family-friendly venue with crafts, inventors, etc.  Let's just say the descriptions put out were very generous with outlining the exhibit.

Lego table!  Only one we stopped at

We got there and went to pay.  Thankfully someone gave us a wristband to enter one person for free because it definitely was not worth the $10 entry fee.  The booths were packed into the aisles and really not very interesting at all.  We didn't really stop at a single booth to check anything out.  

A vendor mentioned that there were some kids things to do outside.  Sounds good in theory but the temp was over 100 degrees, and we had Zoe with us.  We decided to head outside for a few minutes, it turned out there was really just one kids' booth, and then ran back to the a/c.   

Train section

As we were heading out someone mentioned that Science City was included in the cost of our ticket.  We decided to leave through there since the kids had not gotten to really enjoy the exhibits.  We have been to this museum before and the kids have liked it.  This time there was an extra section open pertaining to trains, so that was fun to check out.

Me and my guy

Definitely would not attend Maker Faire next year, but it was good to try once.  Plus we got to do Science City for a little bit and were inside during the crazy heat, so it worked out in the end.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sassy Face

This picture just sums up Anna.  She's doing her "sassy face."  She is definitely going to be trouble in the coming years!  Just love all that personality in her little body.

Monday, July 23, 2012

There's a New Sheriff in Town

Charlie and Anna were so ridiculously cute dressed in their Woody pajamas that we could not resist the urge to get Zoe in on the action.  The Disney Store where we bought the clothes did not carry infant size so I checked out eBay.  There was an infant Woody onesie just Zoe's size.  Now we have a new sheriff joining the ranks and just as cute as the other two!

Cheering because they all match

How adorable is she??

I love how sweet this picture is

We also got a set of Jessie pjs for Anna back a while ago.  She had been refusing to wear them, but we finally got them on.

The sassiest Jessie ever!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

More Zoe

Napping at the lake

Tee-shirt from Aunt Beth

Wide awake...

Sound asleep moments later

Love this girl!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Birthday Party at Deanna Rose

We got invited to a birthday party at Deanna Rose the other weekend for the kids' cousin Alex.  Fortunately the insane heat took a break that morning, and it was actually on the cool side for the beginning of the party although it warmed up quite a bit as the party wore on.

We began things with face painting.  Zach's aunt Jeanne did a great job on all the kids.  At first Charlie wanted nothing to do with the face painting, but when he learned he could get Mickey Mouse he warmed right up.

Then we went out to explore the farmstead for a while before presents.  Anna was a little shy with all the kids around and stuck right to Charlie's side.  She wouldn't let go of his hand the entire time we walked around.  The kids went on a hayride and feed goats with Zach.  I had Zoe in the stroller, and we wandered around and enjoyed getting some fresh air.  It was great having her outside since it wasn't too hot.  

When we got back to the party corral, it was time for cake and presents.  Charlie and Anna completely dug into the cake and made a huge mess.  They had so much fun, though.  It was a great way to spend a Saturday morning!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Daddy's Birthday

Zach's birthday is on June 22.  This fell on a Friday this year, so he took the day off.  His real present from me was going to Chicago overnight with his sister to see a Radiohead concert, so we didn't have much planned on his actual birthday.  We decided we would take the three kids to see a movie.

Anna so happy to help Daddy open presents

Where's my present Daddy?

It worked out well that Brave came out that day.  We went to the afternoon showing, which was really crowded.  Charlie absolutely loved the movie.  He laughed harder and longer than any other kid in the theater.  Anna thought it was pretty good, but her interest started to wane by the end.  She did really good for just turning 2, though.  Zoe slept for half, and then we held her for the other half.  Overall she was pretty quiet.  Taking all three to the movies was not easy, but it went well enough we would do it again.  I'm just glad that Charlie had such a fun time.  Next year we will have to plan something a little more exciting for Zach, though!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Cute kids!

My two girls - Anna and Zoe

My best guy - Charlie


They love matching.  It is borderline ridiculous.  I now almost never buy clothes for them unless I can find similar boy/girl outfits.  Here they are as pirates from Jake and the Never Land Pirates.