Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Daddy's Birthday

Zach's birthday is on June 22.  This fell on a Friday this year, so he took the day off.  His real present from me was going to Chicago overnight with his sister to see a Radiohead concert, so we didn't have much planned on his actual birthday.  We decided we would take the three kids to see a movie.

Anna so happy to help Daddy open presents

Where's my present Daddy?

It worked out well that Brave came out that day.  We went to the afternoon showing, which was really crowded.  Charlie absolutely loved the movie.  He laughed harder and longer than any other kid in the theater.  Anna thought it was pretty good, but her interest started to wane by the end.  She did really good for just turning 2, though.  Zoe slept for half, and then we held her for the other half.  Overall she was pretty quiet.  Taking all three to the movies was not easy, but it went well enough we would do it again.  I'm just glad that Charlie had such a fun time.  Next year we will have to plan something a little more exciting for Zach, though!

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