Monday, July 9, 2012

3 Kids Out

Since baby Zoe arrived I have been dreading the first time I ventured out with all three kids.  It seemed like the challenges would be overwhelming.  Two hands and three kids, including one in a car carrier.  Having a 4 year old, a not quite 2 year old, and a newborn - what was I thinking??  

I decided to try the first trip out while my mom was still here.  I figured her help would be essential to working out all the kinks.  We decided to hit up the grocery store and see how that went.  Zoe rode in the back part, Anna sat up front, and Charlie rode on the back.  Charlie and Anna were both in their normal positions, so they were okay with things.  The only hitch was figuring out where to put the groceries.  I ended up grabbing a basket and putting it underneath the cart.  This works out well as long as I am not trying to buy too much stuff.

At the store with Grandma

Unfortunately my mom eventually had to leave and the trips with all three became mine alone.  I needed to pick up some preordered pictures from Walmart, so I decided to give that a try.  Since the photos were already paid for I knew the trip would be relatively quick.  I packed up the kids in the van and off we went.  Anna decided this time that she did not like sitting up front in the cart but wanted to sit in the back where Zoe was.  I decided that I was not going to budge on her sitting up front or there would be battles every time.  Luckily she realized she wasn't going to win and gave up fighting after a minute.  Overall the kids were awesome, and I basically ran in and out to avoid a meltdown.  Plus, I promised donuts on the drive home, so the kids were on their best behavior.  I have no problem with bribery!

Walmart here we come

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