Friday, July 27, 2012

Maker Faire

Me and all three kids

There was an exhibit up at Union Station at the end of June called Maker Faire.  It sounded interesting since it was supposed to be full of things that people created themselves from technology to homemade clothes.  They billed it as a family-friendly venue with crafts, inventors, etc.  Let's just say the descriptions put out were very generous with outlining the exhibit.

Lego table!  Only one we stopped at

We got there and went to pay.  Thankfully someone gave us a wristband to enter one person for free because it definitely was not worth the $10 entry fee.  The booths were packed into the aisles and really not very interesting at all.  We didn't really stop at a single booth to check anything out.  

A vendor mentioned that there were some kids things to do outside.  Sounds good in theory but the temp was over 100 degrees, and we had Zoe with us.  We decided to head outside for a few minutes, it turned out there was really just one kids' booth, and then ran back to the a/c.   

Train section

As we were heading out someone mentioned that Science City was included in the cost of our ticket.  We decided to leave through there since the kids had not gotten to really enjoy the exhibits.  We have been to this museum before and the kids have liked it.  This time there was an extra section open pertaining to trains, so that was fun to check out.

Me and my guy

Definitely would not attend Maker Faire next year, but it was good to try once.  Plus we got to do Science City for a little bit and were inside during the crazy heat, so it worked out in the end.

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