Monday, October 29, 2012

Our Anniversary

Today Zach and I hit our seven year anniversary.  In that time, we have moved twice and had three kids.  I must say that we are happier than ever before and looking forward to many, many, many more years together.  Hopefully the rest of our lives will be as amazing as these past few have been.

Our wedding was a perfect day with beautiful weather for the end of October.  We had a fun reception and then the two of us sat in our hotel bar in our wedding outfits (since we were waiting on our other clothes to arrive) while everyone bought us champagne.

It was a great beginning to the rest of our lives.  I can't wait to see how the rest plays out.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Cole Camp

There is a small town called Cole Camp about a half hour away from our place at Lake of the Ozarks.  We drive through it every time we head out to the lake, and it is very quaint.  Since we are always in a hurry to get to the lake or get home, though, we never stop and check out the town.

Charlie and Ryan trying out the roller coaster

Once a year there is a small festival/carnival on the town's main street.  Since we were at the lake that weekend this year, and it was too cold to get in the water, we decided to check out the festival.

Our friends Todd and Ali were going with their two little boys, too, which made it a lot of fun.  There were a bunch of rides the kids could do, and they had a great time.  We will definitely have to try and make it again next year.

Dance party at the lake

Loving the beautiful weather

Monday, October 22, 2012

Charlie's Birthday

See, he was born with that much hair!

I loved him immediately

My amazing little man turned 5 today!  I'm just not ready.  He was born exactly at noon 5 years ago, and it seems like just yesterday.  I remember pushing and pushing.  I was so tired I almost couldn't get Charlie all the way out.  Then at about 11:58 the doctor said I could do the final push and out he would come.  

Charlie and Daddy

I was pretty exhausted

I remember telling the doctor that it would be really fun to have Charlie come at noon on the dot.  He said okay, so we all sat there and watched the clock for a full minute in complete silence until it was time.  Then the doctor told me to push right now.  

Out came my little guy, five days overdue and induced because he was so content.  To this day that's his personality.  Easy going, loving, sweet.  I couldn't have asked for a better first baby.  I love my Charlie bear.

Holding Grandma's hand

Taking our first born home.  Felt like real life started when he arrived.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Baptism Picture

Here is a late baptism picture my mom sent me.  I love that it has me, my two girls, my mom, my grandma, and my aunt in it.  

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Name Blocks

Our friend Joy used to take pictures of the kids for us.  She had the awesome idea to get pictures of the kids with their names spelled out in wooden blocks.  Our first one of Charlie is from before he was born!

We have not been as diligent about getting new pictures as I would like, but we try to do it when we remember.  Joy has stopped doing family photography and now concentrates on senior pictures, unfortunately for us.  However, we wanted some new photos of the three kids before Charlie's birthday party, so we decided to take them ourselves.

Here are some practice shots we got to see how things would go.  Going to do the real thing tonight.  Wish us luck on getting all three kids in a good mood and willing to pose.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Cute Kids

Right before Zoe rolled over for the first time
Anna crying because we left Grandma

Kisses before going to school
Girl hugs

Such a sweet face

Charlie helping Mommy bake
Zoe likes trying to sit up in the cushions

Big kids off to school

Ice cream night

A bib to keep her clean

The bib stayed clean.  The rest of her, not so much

Zoe at the doctor for a check up

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Zoe's first time in the jumperoo

After getting back from New York, we realized Zoe was about old enough to put her in the jumperoo.  Both Charlie and Anna really enjoyed jumping, so we figured we would see how Zoe did.

I could not love this face more!

Zoe loved it!  She loves it more than either of them ever did.  She gets jumping and can't stop because she is bouncing so much.  Charlie and Anna love watching Zoe and laugh at how much fun she is having.  

This is awesome!

We put Zoe in it a few times ever day, and her face just lights up every single time.  She loves having us watch her jump, and she will squeal with delight when she realizes we are laughing with her.

Anna helping Zoe out

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Zoe's Baptism

Awesome baptism picture taken by Aunt Debra

We have had all three kids baptized at my Grandpa Abbott's church in upstate NY.  We go up to visit every summer, and it is nice to be able to include my relatives in something special for the kids.

The godparents

Zach's aunt, Jeanne, and my uncle, Michael, were chosen as Zoe's godparents.  Jeanne was nice enough to fly up with Zach's dad so she could be part of the ceremony.  It was fun to have her there and for her to meet my extended family.  My Aunt Debra also flew in so she could come over with my Grandpa and Grandma Schutt, which meant a lot to us.

All of us, my parents, Zach's dad, and the godparents

After the ceremony we threw a party at my grandpa's house for everyone.  The weather was perfect, and it was a great celebration.

My dad with all his siblings (minus Uncle David who couldn't make it) and Grandpa Abbott

Since we are part of the baptism I wasn't able to take any pictures.  I got some from other relatives though.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Stealing Food

Daddy has the best food

We were having breakfast at Fritz's last month, and Anna discovered the joy of stealing food directly off Daddy's plate.  Zach would pretend to get mad, and she would go for more.  It was so cute, and she and Charlie were laughing like crazy.

Zach pretending to be upset

I love the silly faces she makes!