Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Zoe's Baptism

Awesome baptism picture taken by Aunt Debra

We have had all three kids baptized at my Grandpa Abbott's church in upstate NY.  We go up to visit every summer, and it is nice to be able to include my relatives in something special for the kids.

The godparents

Zach's aunt, Jeanne, and my uncle, Michael, were chosen as Zoe's godparents.  Jeanne was nice enough to fly up with Zach's dad so she could be part of the ceremony.  It was fun to have her there and for her to meet my extended family.  My Aunt Debra also flew in so she could come over with my Grandpa and Grandma Schutt, which meant a lot to us.

All of us, my parents, Zach's dad, and the godparents

After the ceremony we threw a party at my grandpa's house for everyone.  The weather was perfect, and it was a great celebration.

My dad with all his siblings (minus Uncle David who couldn't make it) and Grandpa Abbott

Since we are part of the baptism I wasn't able to take any pictures.  I got some from other relatives though.

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