Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Cole Camp

There is a small town called Cole Camp about a half hour away from our place at Lake of the Ozarks.  We drive through it every time we head out to the lake, and it is very quaint.  Since we are always in a hurry to get to the lake or get home, though, we never stop and check out the town.

Charlie and Ryan trying out the roller coaster

Once a year there is a small festival/carnival on the town's main street.  Since we were at the lake that weekend this year, and it was too cold to get in the water, we decided to check out the festival.

Our friends Todd and Ali were going with their two little boys, too, which made it a lot of fun.  There were a bunch of rides the kids could do, and they had a great time.  We will definitely have to try and make it again next year.

Dance party at the lake

Loving the beautiful weather

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