Monday, October 22, 2012

Charlie's Birthday

See, he was born with that much hair!

I loved him immediately

My amazing little man turned 5 today!  I'm just not ready.  He was born exactly at noon 5 years ago, and it seems like just yesterday.  I remember pushing and pushing.  I was so tired I almost couldn't get Charlie all the way out.  Then at about 11:58 the doctor said I could do the final push and out he would come.  

Charlie and Daddy

I was pretty exhausted

I remember telling the doctor that it would be really fun to have Charlie come at noon on the dot.  He said okay, so we all sat there and watched the clock for a full minute in complete silence until it was time.  Then the doctor told me to push right now.  

Out came my little guy, five days overdue and induced because he was so content.  To this day that's his personality.  Easy going, loving, sweet.  I couldn't have asked for a better first baby.  I love my Charlie bear.

Holding Grandma's hand

Taking our first born home.  Felt like real life started when he arrived.

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