Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Bounce House Birthday Party

One of Charlie's friends had a birthday party at a bounce house place.  Zach was out of town, so I got a babysitter for Zoe and took Charlie and Anna.  Charlie was super excited from the minute we got there.  He bounded off and started running from activity to activity without stopping.  Anna on the other hand was not amused.  She just started crying the minute we walked in.  

Saddest face ever

Anna being forced to have fun

Charlie loving every minute

We spent 45 minutes in one room.  I finally got Anna to try out the big slide by picking her up, carrying her up the stairs, and sliding down with her.  We went flying off the end of the slide, and it was kind of painful.  However, she would only do the slide with me, so up and down we went a few times.  Charlie kept joining us thinking it was so fun we were all together.

After 45 minutes we ventured in to the second room.  This room had more bouncy activities for the kids.  There was one game where you threw balls and tried to knock down other balls that Anna loved.  She did that for about half an hour while Charlie jumped.  Of course as we were finally finishing up in that room Anna decided jumping looked fun.  She got about 10 minutes of jumping in before we headed out for pizza and cake.  

Charlie in the wind machine

Anna finally having fun

Lesson learned from this - always bring Daddy along to take the kids down the slide.  Way too much work for Mommy!  

Of course Anna getting into the bounce house just as it was time to go

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