Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Charlie's 5th Birthday!

My best guy Charlie turned 5 at the end of October.  I couldn't believe it.  How did he get so old?  It seems like just yesterday he was born.  I love this little guy and was not prepared for him to grow up so quickly.

Zoe loves Grandpa!

Super hero birthday party

We did our standard party at our house again this year.  We got a bounce house for the backyard, invited all our friends, and ordered some snacks.  Most years we end up with more guests than we planned on, but this year a lot of people were busy.  Don't get me wrong, it was still quite a crowd at the house, but it was a little smaller than past years.

Our happy birthday boy

It may be Charlie's birthday, but Anna was still the princess

Of course Zach also had his half marathon that morning, so I was glad to have my parents in town to help.  My dad went with Zach to be his driver/cheering section while my mom stayed and helped me get food ready, pick up balloons, decorate, etc.  

Charlie had a blast with his friends on the bounce house and our swing set.  He had a super hero theme for everything.  We lucked out with amazing weather again this year.  It was sunny and felt great outside.  We had fun hanging out with our friends and family.  My parents and Zach's parents were able to come as was his sister Kelsey.  Charlie was so proud to show off his friends to them.  

Me and my Charlie

The next day my mom had to head back to Florida unfortunately.  The one good thing was that she managed to get a flight back later in the day, so we had the morning to spend with her.  We decided to take the kids to Fritz's since they love it so much.  Charlie and Anna had a great time taking Grandma and Grandpa to their favorite restaurant.  I love Anna's outfit that day; she looks like a little old woman!


Her outfit and accessories were cracking us up
 We love having a big party for everyone at Charlie's birthday, although we may get in trouble soon since Anna keeps asking if she is going to get as good of a party.  

Charlie was so happy to have Grandpa and Grandma back with him

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