Monday, December 10, 2012

School Pics

The school Charlie and Anna go to do school pictures at the beginning of the year on two different days.  The first day of pictures Charlie went in and was thrilled to have shots taken.  He beamed in every photo.

Anna, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with it according to her teacher.  She just flat out refused to get in front of the camera.  I really wanted pictures of her, so I came in one the second day and went to see the photographer.  I stayed through Anna's photo shoot, and after initially crying she began to cheer up.  

As usual I had Zoe with me, and the photographer was all kinds of excited at the idea of taking her pictures too.  So we ended up with some really cute ones of all three kids separately and some of the girls together.  Next year my goal is do all three kids together. 

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