Thursday, April 26, 2012

Holding Hands

Talking about the cars going under the covered walkway
I took Charlie and Anna to visit Zach at work the other week.  They were so excited to go see Daddy!  When we left I asked Charlie to help me keep an eye on Anna as we walked back to the parking garage.  He loves to feel like he's helping me.  Charlie promptly grabbed Anna's hand and held it all the way from Zach's floor to the car.  It took us about 5 minutes to get to the car since they kept stopping and pointing things out to each other.  It is so cute that Charlie considers Anna his best friend!

Anna pointing some cars out to Charlie

They even held hands in the elevator

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lake in March

We headed out to the lake in mid-March.  It was going to be my last trip out there before the baby arrives, so we wanted to get everything ready.  The weather was beautiful, perhaps one of the most perfect weekends we have ever had out there.  It was warm and sunny, and the kids were thrilled to be at the lake.

Why are they leaving me??

Zach and Charlie out testing the jet skis

Zach decided to take the jet skis out and make sure everything was working okay with them.  He took Charlie out with him first, and they rode around for a short while.  Anna was not pleased that she was not included in the ride.  She had a quick lunch while they were gone, and then it was her turn.  Anna loves the jet ski!  She had the best time.  While Charlie tends to tell Zach to slow down, Anna just yells "Go!!"

Anna's turn finally!

After that we got out the water table and put it in the back yard.  The kids played with that for a long time.  It's nice because we can sit on the covered patio and stay cool while they splash around.  Then Zach took them to the pool for a little bit to tire them out for naps.

Helping Daddy figure out how to drive

We capped off the night by watching a winning KU game over Ohio.  It was a great time at the lake and enabled us to get everything ready for while baby #3 joins us out there this summer!

Rock Chalk Jayhawk

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Cute pictures

Here are some pictures of the kids from March...

Not sure if I posted this before.  They love matching!
Charlie going for a ride with Daddy

Anna is really starting to get into watching movies

They love their Disney hats and wear them everywhere.  Got the hats at an Orlando CVS.  Way cheaper than Disney!

Excited for breakfast at Fritz's

Anna out walking Molly with my parents while we had Charlie at LegoLand

New Thomas the Train raincoat

New Hello Kitty raincoat.  She wants to wear it everywhere.  She even got matching Crocs

Holding hands as we left Daddy's work and headed to the parking garage

Think she enjoys ice cream??

Charlie can now do the balance beam by himself

Anna is looking like such a big girl lately!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Disney on Ice: Treasure Trove

The weekend after returning to KC from our Disney trip Disney on Ice was scheduled to be in town.  We debated whether to spend the money, but decided that since the characters would all be so fresh in the kids' minds that we would give it a go.

Hard to tell from the picture, but our seats were awesome

We ended up with great seats at the Sprint Center.  We were in the center of the stage about 10 rows back.  We could see everything perfectly.  We were a little concerned about how things would go since Charlie was just getting over a cold, and Anna had caught that plus an ear infection.  However, they were so entertained by everything that there were no complaints.

Disney on Ice: Treasure Trove brought out all the Disney casts from all the movies.  It was great!  We saw scenes from The Incredibles, The Lion King, Peter Pan, Snow White, The Little Mermaid, Tangled, and more.  Donald, Goofy, Mickey and Minnie came out numerous times between shows.  Anna is obsessed with Donald, so she was cheering like crazy.  

Our favorite picture!  Anna was cheering like crazy

The show ended with all the Disney princesses and characters doing a big skating scene.  The kids were mesmerized and cheered like crazy.  It was great seeing how much they enjoyed it.  We are so glad that they have fun at live shows.  The next one we are looking at trying is Peter Pan in July at Starlight.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring Break- Polynesian Pool

Charlie ready to tackle the water slide

Anna trying to check out all her options at the pool

We love the Polynesian hotel at Disney.  The first reason is for the monorail access.  The second is for the pool.  There are a couple pools on the property, but the main one is the best.  There is a water slide and zero depth entry perfect for the kids.

Anna thinks her daddy is the best!

Charlie loves going down the water slide and will do it non stop as long as we let him.  The kids can wear arm flotations, they just have to be able to paddle out of the way of the slide when they get off.  Unfortunately that means Anna cannot do it quite yet.

Charlie flying off the water slide
and swimming over the the stairs

Anna was not pleased to be left out of the slide.  However, she did like splashing around in the zero depth part.  Then she discovered a section off from the pool that we had never seen before.  It was a circle surrounded mostly by little bushes and had water that would shoot out of the ground.  Anna absolutely loved that and Charlie even came to play in it too.

She found the water spouts!

Even Charlie was lured away from the slide for a few minutes

We spent our last morning at the Polynesian just playing at the pool area for a couple hours.  Both my parents and us got late check outs from our rooms so we could get some pool time in before heading back to my parents' house.  The kids had so much fun that they didn't even mention Disney.  It was a fun way to end our trip. 

Quick lunch poolside before heading back to our rooms to check out

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring Break- Dinner with Pooh

Charlie racing to meet Tigger.  He threw himself out of the booth!
 We really wanted to take the kids to eat with the princesses while we were at Disney.  Unfortunately eating at Cinderella's Castle fills up 6 months in advance.  We tried calling for the two months leading up to our visit, and there were no cancellations for any time during the three days we would be around.  Finally we realized it was a lost cause and moved on to a new plan.

Pure joy at meeting Pooh

Enter The Crystal Palace.  It is a buffet restaurant just off Main St in Disney World.  While you are eating the buffet, you can eat with the characters from Winnie the Pooh.  Both kids were really excited about the idea, and we were luckily able to make reservations for that night.  We decided this would be our dinner for our last night at Disney with my parents.

Charlie and Grandpa with Tigger

My parents trying to get a nice picture.  The kids making faces that sum them up!

When we got there Charlie was even more excited than we would have guessed for meeting Pooh, Tigger, Eeyore, and Piglet.  Charlie was just bouncing in his seat and thrilled when the characters came by.  Anna was not as happy.  She liked seeing them from far away, but did not enjoy the up close visits at all.  

Yay for Piglet!

We were glad that we could find a character dinner last minute to do with the kids.  Overall it was worth it for them to see the Pooh actors.  Plus you can't go wrong with an all you can eat buffet!
So happy at our dinner!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring Break- Anna kisses

As I have said before, Anna is not a big kisser.  She was so happy to be with everyone at Disney, though, that she shared some love.