Monday, April 2, 2012

Spring Break- Disney Day 2

The whole gang!

For our third and last day with Charlie we headed back to Disney World.  He had been asking for the past two days when Anna would join us because he missed her so much.  Luckily we planned on my parents bringing her up for the day to join us.  

Anna joining us

Charlie picked out matching hats for him and Anna since he missed her.  He's so sweet!

I missed my girl!

Zach, Charlie, and I took the monorail over to Disney first thing in the morning to get Fast Passes for Splash Mountain so Charlie could take Grandpa on it.  After getting the passes, we headed back to the Polynesian to get my parents and Anna.  

Ice cream was perfect on such a hot day

Anna thought she was such a big girl

With Grandma on the merry go round

Charlie was so happy to have Anna join us!  We turned right back around and went to Disney where the guys did Splash Mtn.  Charlie had the best time taking Grandpa on it.  Meanwhile my mom, Anna, and I partook in some ice cream, which made Anna one happy (but messy!) girl.  Then we rode the merry go round.  Anna loved doing that.  Charlie actually finished up his ride and raced back to us just as we were getting on.  

Checking out the rides with Grandpa

Pooh with Grandma

Buzz Lightyear with Grandpa

After that we did lunch, Pooh, Buzz Lightyear, the People Mover, and more.  Anna started to really wear out at this time, so my mom headed back to the hotel with her for a bath while the rest of us did a few more rides.  It was a lot of fun to have a day where Grandma, Grandpa, and Anna could join us.  

Quick nap on the way back to the hotel

Grandma gave her a bath, and she was so happy

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