Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lake in March

We headed out to the lake in mid-March.  It was going to be my last trip out there before the baby arrives, so we wanted to get everything ready.  The weather was beautiful, perhaps one of the most perfect weekends we have ever had out there.  It was warm and sunny, and the kids were thrilled to be at the lake.

Why are they leaving me??

Zach and Charlie out testing the jet skis

Zach decided to take the jet skis out and make sure everything was working okay with them.  He took Charlie out with him first, and they rode around for a short while.  Anna was not pleased that she was not included in the ride.  She had a quick lunch while they were gone, and then it was her turn.  Anna loves the jet ski!  She had the best time.  While Charlie tends to tell Zach to slow down, Anna just yells "Go!!"

Anna's turn finally!

After that we got out the water table and put it in the back yard.  The kids played with that for a long time.  It's nice because we can sit on the covered patio and stay cool while they splash around.  Then Zach took them to the pool for a little bit to tire them out for naps.

Helping Daddy figure out how to drive

We capped off the night by watching a winning KU game over Ohio.  It was a great time at the lake and enabled us to get everything ready for while baby #3 joins us out there this summer!

Rock Chalk Jayhawk

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