Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring Break- Dinner with Pooh

Charlie racing to meet Tigger.  He threw himself out of the booth!
 We really wanted to take the kids to eat with the princesses while we were at Disney.  Unfortunately eating at Cinderella's Castle fills up 6 months in advance.  We tried calling for the two months leading up to our visit, and there were no cancellations for any time during the three days we would be around.  Finally we realized it was a lost cause and moved on to a new plan.

Pure joy at meeting Pooh

Enter The Crystal Palace.  It is a buffet restaurant just off Main St in Disney World.  While you are eating the buffet, you can eat with the characters from Winnie the Pooh.  Both kids were really excited about the idea, and we were luckily able to make reservations for that night.  We decided this would be our dinner for our last night at Disney with my parents.

Charlie and Grandpa with Tigger

My parents trying to get a nice picture.  The kids making faces that sum them up!

When we got there Charlie was even more excited than we would have guessed for meeting Pooh, Tigger, Eeyore, and Piglet.  Charlie was just bouncing in his seat and thrilled when the characters came by.  Anna was not as happy.  She liked seeing them from far away, but did not enjoy the up close visits at all.  

Yay for Piglet!

We were glad that we could find a character dinner last minute to do with the kids.  Overall it was worth it for them to see the Pooh actors.  Plus you can't go wrong with an all you can eat buffet!
So happy at our dinner!!

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