Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring Break- Polynesian Pool

Charlie ready to tackle the water slide

Anna trying to check out all her options at the pool

We love the Polynesian hotel at Disney.  The first reason is for the monorail access.  The second is for the pool.  There are a couple pools on the property, but the main one is the best.  There is a water slide and zero depth entry perfect for the kids.

Anna thinks her daddy is the best!

Charlie loves going down the water slide and will do it non stop as long as we let him.  The kids can wear arm flotations, they just have to be able to paddle out of the way of the slide when they get off.  Unfortunately that means Anna cannot do it quite yet.

Charlie flying off the water slide
and swimming over the the stairs

Anna was not pleased to be left out of the slide.  However, she did like splashing around in the zero depth part.  Then she discovered a section off from the pool that we had never seen before.  It was a circle surrounded mostly by little bushes and had water that would shoot out of the ground.  Anna absolutely loved that and Charlie even came to play in it too.

She found the water spouts!

Even Charlie was lured away from the slide for a few minutes

We spent our last morning at the Polynesian just playing at the pool area for a couple hours.  Both my parents and us got late check outs from our rooms so we could get some pool time in before heading back to my parents' house.  The kids had so much fun that they didn't even mention Disney.  It was a fun way to end our trip. 

Quick lunch poolside before heading back to our rooms to check out

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