Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Christmas Program

Last year's costume

Charlie and Anna's school puts on a Christmas program every year with the older students.  Charlie was a donkey in the show last year, and it was so cute!  I was really excited to see what they were going to do this year.

Cute Zoe waiting patiently

This time Charlie did not have a costume, but he was so thrilled to be doing the show again.  I got there early, and the room was already packed.  I did manage to get an aisle seat luckily so I could see Charlie coming in and the stage pretty well.  

Charlie stopped looking for us

Charlie came walking in with his class.  He was scanning the crowd like crazy trying to find me.  There was a huge gap between him and the kid in front of him because he stopped to try and see me.  I was so glad to be on the aisle because I was able to whisper to him.  Charlie just lit up when he realized Zoe and I were there to cheer him on.

He was so happy!

Not sure who tucked in his shirt.  Doesn't really work!

He and the other older students got on stage and sang a bunch of songs with props.  It was a lot of fun to watch, and the kids were so proud of themselves.  The smaller kids, like Anna, got to watch the show, so they were excited too.

Charlie standing up

Love this guy

Unfortunately Zach could not come to see the program.  Charlie loves to color and had been dying to get a box of crayons with 96 colors, so Zach sent it as a present for his hard work.  Anna got a small box too so she didn't feel left out.  Charlie was more thrilled about crayons than anything else!    

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Let me out!

This is one of my all time favorite pictures of Zoe.  Zach had laid her down in the pack n play while he did a few things in the kitchen.  Zoe was actually on the boppy in there, so she was laying at a bit of an angle.  Somehow she maneuvered herself (at 6 months old) into a sitting position.  She looks like she is yelling "Hey!  Let me out!"  I laugh every time I see it.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Anna's 1/2 Birthday

She was a little confused by what was happening at first

At Charlie's and Anna's school they celebrate kids' birthdays each month.  That is a lot of fun for all the kids with birthdays during the school year like Charlie.  For summer birthdays, like Anna, not so much.  (I know because I have a summer bday too!)

Fortunately the school decided to celebrate the 1/2 bday of all kids that fall in the summer.  So on December 11 when Anna got to school there was a "Happy 1/2 Birthday" sign waiting outside her classroom door with a picture of her.  Then she got to wear a bday hat in class all day.  She was beyond pleased.  She was so excited and happy when I picked her up that afternoon.

Cupcake time!

We decided to continue the celebration after school and hit up the cupcake shop the kids love.  They both ordered their usual "birthday cake" cupcake, which is a vanilla cupcake with vanilla frosting and sprinkles.  They are really yummy!  We took them home and ate while watching a movie.  

Peeking in the box while driving home

Having a little taste while she thought I wasn't looking

So pleased with herself!

Unfortunately for Anna, her half bday only lasts one day.  She spent the next week asking when we would celebrate again.  Plus every time she sees another kid in her class with a bday crown she asks where hers is.  She is beyond excited about her real birthday this summer, so I'm going to have to make sure it is a super fun occasion!   

Still wearing her birthday crown at bed time

Monday, February 11, 2013

Decorating for Christmas

Charlie and Anna were thrilled to find out that we get to start decorating for Christmas the weekend after Thanksgiving.  We had put up the lights on the outside of our house a few days before since we knew we would be having a lot of company and wanted the house to look festive.  We held off on everything else until Thanksgiving was celebrated, though.

We pulled out our (fake) tree and all the decorations from the basement after my family headed back to their respective homes.  While Zach put up the tree Charlie and Anna cheered and ran around it inspecting it from every angle.  Zoe was content to watch the madness!

After getting the tree up and putting on some decorations it was time for the tree topper.  At my parents' house we have an angel on top of the tree that my dad and I have always put on together.  We decided to continue that tradition here, but both Charlie and Anna want turns.  So the angel goes on and comes off and goes on again as they both get a chance to do it with Daddy.  It's really a fun tradition to continue. 


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Thanksgiving Part II

Zach and I try to do holidays with both sides of our families as much as possible.  First of all this makes it much easier to coordinate because you only have to celebrate once instead of splitting up.  Secondly we like having everyone together.  Thankfully our families get along really well, and they enjoy getting together whenever possible.

Zoe with DeDe, Zach's nanny
Since Thanksgiving dinner was hosted at our house, Zach's mom took over dinner for the following night.  First though we hit up Wreck It Ralph with the kids on black Friday.  They loved it and ended up seeing it multiple times at the theater.  Then we went to Zach's parents' house to eat, and we had a great time relaxing.  

My parents with the kids

The day after that we took my parents with us to take the kids to see Santa.  We weren't sure how Anna and Zoe were going to do, but we knew Charlie would be thrilled.  We were lucky that all three were happy to be there, and we got an awesome picture for our Christmas card.  Afterwards we went back home and got out the Christmas decorations, much to the kids' joy.

They look a lot alike here I think

That was the end of the Thanksgiving festivities, and everyone headed out after that.  It was wonderful to have people together, and we hope to get them all together next year!  

Elf on the Shelf is back!

Santa baby
So content

Friday, February 8, 2013

Thanksgiving Part I

All of us but Anna who was asleep.  Note her picture behind us though!

Thanksgiving was quite the family affair here this year.  Zach was on call, so we were bound to KC for the holiday.  My whole family decided to meet here and spend the time together. We had my parents, Jeff and Beth, and Kaleb and Greta staying here in addition to our immediate family.  To say it was crowded is an understatement, yet it was a good, happy crowded.  We loved having all the company, especially the kids!

We had one night with just my family and did a nice dinner all together.  It was the first time we had all been together in a while due to crazy schedules, so it was great to get a chance to catch up.

Thanksgiving morning Zach, my dad, Jeff and Beth did a race.  My mom and I decided to take the kids and surprise them there.  Unfortunately we did not decide until last minute, so it was a mad rush to get all of us ready and out the door.  We finally made it there as the race was starting but missed cheering them on at the start by about 60 seconds.

Beth, Jeff, my dad and Zach after their race

Zoe all cozied up with me

The race was only a 5K (I think) so we headed to the finish line to wait it out.  It was pretty windy for the kids, but they had fun yelling and clapping for everyone.  Since we were surprising them, no one knew we would be at the finish line.  Luckily Jeff and Beth noticed us cheering, so we were able to meet up with them and then Zach and my dad.  The kids loved doing the surprise.

The car was parked really far away from the finish line, so the kids got a ride

Beth helping me make pilgrim hat cookies for dessert

After that we headed home to start preparing Thanksgiving dinner.  Since all my family had come to town, we were doing it at my house with Zach's parents and Kelsey and Adam joining us.  We had quite the crew!  I got most of the food prepared at the grocery store and just had to pick it up and cook it.  Made things a lot less stressful on such a crazy day!   

Howard deep fried a turkey for us!

Zach's mom with my mom

Thanksgiving dinner

Zach's parents

Zoe enjoying baby food turkey and sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner