Friday, February 8, 2013

Thanksgiving Part I

All of us but Anna who was asleep.  Note her picture behind us though!

Thanksgiving was quite the family affair here this year.  Zach was on call, so we were bound to KC for the holiday.  My whole family decided to meet here and spend the time together. We had my parents, Jeff and Beth, and Kaleb and Greta staying here in addition to our immediate family.  To say it was crowded is an understatement, yet it was a good, happy crowded.  We loved having all the company, especially the kids!

We had one night with just my family and did a nice dinner all together.  It was the first time we had all been together in a while due to crazy schedules, so it was great to get a chance to catch up.

Thanksgiving morning Zach, my dad, Jeff and Beth did a race.  My mom and I decided to take the kids and surprise them there.  Unfortunately we did not decide until last minute, so it was a mad rush to get all of us ready and out the door.  We finally made it there as the race was starting but missed cheering them on at the start by about 60 seconds.

Beth, Jeff, my dad and Zach after their race

Zoe all cozied up with me

The race was only a 5K (I think) so we headed to the finish line to wait it out.  It was pretty windy for the kids, but they had fun yelling and clapping for everyone.  Since we were surprising them, no one knew we would be at the finish line.  Luckily Jeff and Beth noticed us cheering, so we were able to meet up with them and then Zach and my dad.  The kids loved doing the surprise.

The car was parked really far away from the finish line, so the kids got a ride

Beth helping me make pilgrim hat cookies for dessert

After that we headed home to start preparing Thanksgiving dinner.  Since all my family had come to town, we were doing it at my house with Zach's parents and Kelsey and Adam joining us.  We had quite the crew!  I got most of the food prepared at the grocery store and just had to pick it up and cook it.  Made things a lot less stressful on such a crazy day!   

Howard deep fried a turkey for us!

Zach's mom with my mom

Thanksgiving dinner

Zach's parents

Zoe enjoying baby food turkey and sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner

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