Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Anna's 1/2 Birthday

She was a little confused by what was happening at first

At Charlie's and Anna's school they celebrate kids' birthdays each month.  That is a lot of fun for all the kids with birthdays during the school year like Charlie.  For summer birthdays, like Anna, not so much.  (I know because I have a summer bday too!)

Fortunately the school decided to celebrate the 1/2 bday of all kids that fall in the summer.  So on December 11 when Anna got to school there was a "Happy 1/2 Birthday" sign waiting outside her classroom door with a picture of her.  Then she got to wear a bday hat in class all day.  She was beyond pleased.  She was so excited and happy when I picked her up that afternoon.

Cupcake time!

We decided to continue the celebration after school and hit up the cupcake shop the kids love.  They both ordered their usual "birthday cake" cupcake, which is a vanilla cupcake with vanilla frosting and sprinkles.  They are really yummy!  We took them home and ate while watching a movie.  

Peeking in the box while driving home

Having a little taste while she thought I wasn't looking

So pleased with herself!

Unfortunately for Anna, her half bday only lasts one day.  She spent the next week asking when we would celebrate again.  Plus every time she sees another kid in her class with a bday crown she asks where hers is.  She is beyond excited about her real birthday this summer, so I'm going to have to make sure it is a super fun occasion!   

Still wearing her birthday crown at bed time

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