Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Christmas Program

Last year's costume

Charlie and Anna's school puts on a Christmas program every year with the older students.  Charlie was a donkey in the show last year, and it was so cute!  I was really excited to see what they were going to do this year.

Cute Zoe waiting patiently

This time Charlie did not have a costume, but he was so thrilled to be doing the show again.  I got there early, and the room was already packed.  I did manage to get an aisle seat luckily so I could see Charlie coming in and the stage pretty well.  

Charlie stopped looking for us

Charlie came walking in with his class.  He was scanning the crowd like crazy trying to find me.  There was a huge gap between him and the kid in front of him because he stopped to try and see me.  I was so glad to be on the aisle because I was able to whisper to him.  Charlie just lit up when he realized Zoe and I were there to cheer him on.

He was so happy!

Not sure who tucked in his shirt.  Doesn't really work!

He and the other older students got on stage and sang a bunch of songs with props.  It was a lot of fun to watch, and the kids were so proud of themselves.  The smaller kids, like Anna, got to watch the show, so they were excited too.

Charlie standing up

Love this guy

Unfortunately Zach could not come to see the program.  Charlie loves to color and had been dying to get a box of crayons with 96 colors, so Zach sent it as a present for his hard work.  Anna got a small box too so she didn't feel left out.  Charlie was more thrilled about crayons than anything else!    

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