Saturday, February 9, 2013

Thanksgiving Part II

Zach and I try to do holidays with both sides of our families as much as possible.  First of all this makes it much easier to coordinate because you only have to celebrate once instead of splitting up.  Secondly we like having everyone together.  Thankfully our families get along really well, and they enjoy getting together whenever possible.

Zoe with DeDe, Zach's nanny
Since Thanksgiving dinner was hosted at our house, Zach's mom took over dinner for the following night.  First though we hit up Wreck It Ralph with the kids on black Friday.  They loved it and ended up seeing it multiple times at the theater.  Then we went to Zach's parents' house to eat, and we had a great time relaxing.  

My parents with the kids

The day after that we took my parents with us to take the kids to see Santa.  We weren't sure how Anna and Zoe were going to do, but we knew Charlie would be thrilled.  We were lucky that all three were happy to be there, and we got an awesome picture for our Christmas card.  Afterwards we went back home and got out the Christmas decorations, much to the kids' joy.

They look a lot alike here I think

That was the end of the Thanksgiving festivities, and everyone headed out after that.  It was wonderful to have people together, and we hope to get them all together next year!  

Elf on the Shelf is back!

Santa baby
So content

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