Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Break- Disney Day 1

Ready to tackle Disney!
Day 2 with Charlie we decided to hit up Disney World.  He could not wait.  Since we had gone to Disney for a day in January, Charlie remembered what to expect and was really excited.  Riding the monorail was a highlight alone.  He also loved the idea of trying out some big kid rides since Anna was not with us.

On the monorail

Since we knew the line would be long, Zach took off when we got to the park to fast pass Splash Mountain.  I was not able to do the ride since I was pregnant, but we thought Charlie would love giving it a try.  While Zach was over getting the passes, Charlie and I headed towards the merry go round since there are lots of kid rides in that area.  

The three of us (finally a ride I could do too!) did the merry go round and a few other things then headed to Splash Mountain.  Thankfully Charlie made the height requirement by one inch.  Close call!  So off Zach and Charlie went to do the ride while I watched.  I'm so bummed that I couldn't go too.  Zach said it was just awesome.  Charlie LOVED Splash Mtn.  He had the best time!  As soon as they got off someone offered them fast pass tickets they weren't going to use, so Charlie got to go twice in a row.  I don't know if I've ever seen him so happy!

Getting ready for Splash Mountain.  He was a little concerned (but excited) the first time

Another thing we did that Charlie loved was PhilharMagic.  It's a 3D movie with scenes from tons of Disney movies.  It has is slightly interactive with them lightly spraying water or making wind go crazy in the theater to correspond to the scenes.  Charlie really had fun watching the movie, and it was nice to sit and be cool for a while.

The People Mover is always a favorite
We continued the day doing rides (including more Splash Mtn) like Winnie the Pooh, the People Mover, and more.  Since we knew we would be back the next day, we didn't push doing too much.  Then we headed back to the hotel to relax.  We capped the night off by heading to Downtown Disney to have dinner at T Rex.  Then Zach took Charlie swimming in the hotel pool for an hour.  Needless to say, we slept really well that night!

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