Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Anna's Birthday - She's 2!

Happy 2nd Birthday my beautiful Anna!

Anna and Zoe now have birthdays exactly one month apart.  Zoe came on May 11 and Anna was born on June 11.  Since there was such a short time between the birthdays, and I was still trying to recover, Anna had a low key birthday party this year.  It was nice, though, because my mom stayed in town until June 12 so she could celebrate with us.

Anna's birthday fell on a Monday, so we decided to go to the movies on the Saturday afternoon before that.  Madagascar 3 had just come out that weekend, so it was perfect timing.  Zach and I took all three kids and were joined by my mom and Zach's parents.  Unfortunately my dad was back in Sarasota so he could not come.

The movies went pretty well with the kids.  Charlie and Anna both enjoyed it, even if Anna's attention span wavered at times.  Then we headed back to our house where Kelsey met up with us.  We did cake and opened gifts.  Anna's favorite present was a rolling suitcase from my parents.  Charlie got one when he turned two to take on all our airplane trips, and Anna has been crazy jealous of it.  She was so proud to get her own suitcase this year.

A little too much birthday I think

Total mood change when she saw her new suitcase!

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