Friday, June 22, 2012

Time with Daddy

Anna and Charlie love Daddy time!

After I got home from the hospital, I needed a few weeks to recover from having Zoe.  That meant Charlie and Anna got lots of time hanging out with Daddy while my mom was taking care of me.  As I started getting better my mom accompanied the kids and Zach on more of their adventures.  I was so jealous to be stuck inside while they had so much fun.

Zach took them to the choo choo restaurant for breakfast one morning.  Then they went to Wonderscope, the kids' interactive museum.  

Another day Zach and my mom headed to the zoo with Charlie and Anna.  The kids loved that!  They are currently obsessed with The Lion King, so much of the time at the zoo was spent checking out the lions.  They also got the ride the sky lift over to Africa.  It's too bad that it has gotten too hot for the zoo for the next few months.

A few days later Zach tried to take the kids back to Wonderscope so my mom could see them play but it was closed.  Fortunately there was a carnival in Shawnee that day, so they stayed and enjoyed that.  The kids had a blast on all the rides, and Charlie and Anna even got to do one with no adults.  Anna felt like such a big kid!

Charlie and Anna also got to spend a ton of time outside.  Zach made water slides and let them run through the sprinklers most afternoons.  My mom really enjoyed taking the kids on walks and playing in the backyard.  Another time they hit up Deanna Rose, and for an indoor day saw Ratatouille at the movies.  They all were completely worn out at the end of every day.  I definitely am enjoying the earlier bed times for the kids!

It was nice to have the peace and quiet to relax and recover, but I'm much happier now that I am on the mend and can join in on everything!

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