Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Toy Story Time

The kids love the Toy Story movies.  Zach and I were at the mall the other day and came across pajamas with the Toy Story characters on them.  We picked up Woody for Charlie and Jessie for Anna.  We were so excited to bring them home to the kids.  Zach was not around that afternoon when I gave the pjs to the kids but my mom was.  I gave Charlie his, and he was so happy.  Then Anna saw hers.  To say total meltdown is an understatement.  She was beyond ticked.  Anna was yelling "Woody" and crying.  There was no way she was going to wear the second best Jessie pajamas.  Poor girl was horribly traumatized.  I made her apologize for yelling at me, which she did, but then she promptly gave Grandma a kiss while staring at me.  It was like she was saying "I'll say sorry but I don't have to like it or mean it!"  Sassy pants here.  

That night Zach and I went out and got a second pair of Woody pjs.  I gave them to Anna the next morning.  I wish I could figure out how to upload the video of her getting them.  She just saw the bag from the Disney Store and started yelling "Woody!  Woody!"  When I pulled them out, she was beyond joy.  Here are my two cuties in their Woody clothes.  One of my favorite pictures ever!

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