Saturday, June 16, 2012

Grandparents in Charge

Charlie and Anna with Grandpa

While I was in the hospital having Zoe my parents came up to take care of Charlie and Anna.  Obviously Zach was here, but he had to work, and my parents always love time with the kids.  My dad came up for a week while my mom actually stayed for five weeks.  The kids had a fabulous time with my parents and got in lots of bonding time.  Here are some pictures of the time I was in the hospital, and grandparents were running the show.

She looks like a teenager!

Charlie loves playing with animals

Like a burrito!  Wrapped up in a towel straight out of the dryer

Showing off his bike riding skills

I was in the hospital over Mother's Day.  I enjoyed the quiet time while Grandma enjoyed the day with the kids

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