Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Zoe's First Day

Zoe arrived by scheduled C-section on Friday, May 11.  We were lucky to have the appointment set up because the night before that I was up with contractions.  We arrived at the hospital at 5:30 am, and I was hooked up to monitors which showed strong contractions hitting.  Apparently we would have been checking in on the 11th either way!  

At 7:00 am I was taking into the surgical room, and by 7:27 baby Zoe was part of our lives!  She came out wide awake and looking perfect.

My parents were there to meet her just after she was born.  I'm so glad she didn't come early so they didn't miss her arrival.

Zach's parents came by shortly after and met Zoe once we were in our hospital room.

My parents then brought Charlie and Anna up to meet their new sister later that afternoon.  Charlie LOVES Zoe and has been smitten since the first time he saw her.  Anna checked her out and has been content to ignore Zoe since then.  

We are now a family of five, and it is wonderful!

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