Thursday, August 23, 2012

Trying to Get a Picture of Anna

Every day Anna gets sillier and sillier.  She is constantly trying to make everyone laugh, and she is getting really good at her antics.  I was trying to get a nice picture of her and Charlie the other day, but Anna was determined not to stand still.  I was laughing so hard at my silly little girl.  Here is what I ended up with...

Charlie was laughing so hard he almost fell over
Finally I decided to wait to get a picture of Anna until after she was fully strapped in the car seat.  Turned out so sweet, but I still like the ones above where she's showing off her moves!


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Cooler Lake Weekend

After lots of 100+ degree days it finally began to cool down into the 90s for a little bit.  We hit up the lake one of these "cooler" weekends.  It was great to have it a little more tolerable, so we could enjoy the outside for longer.  

Zoe in her new cute swimsuit

Charlie and Anna swimming along

It actually was nice enough to take Zoe out for a short while.  We pulled out her cute little swimsuit and plopped her under the shade at the pool for some fresh air.  After a while we even decided to take her in the water for a few minutes to cool her down.  Zoe was very confused but still content floating around.  I think she's going to be water girl!

Chilling outside in the shade

Anna never takes off her sunglasses

Zoe's first time in the pool!


Charlie and Anna had a great time without getting too overheated, which was nice.  Anna spent some time looking her usual fabulous self on the jet ski.  Charlie spent most of the weekend doing his favorite activity - water table.  

She always has to look good!

We really enjoyed the weather not being so unbearable.  Unfortunately the next few lake weekends the heat picked way back up.  Fortunately we got to have a weekend of getting Zoe outside.

Getting a little sun

Anna traded in sunglasses for goggles

Perfect end to the lake weekend!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hanging Out in the Heat

Ready to head outside

This summer has been hotter than I thought possible.  The heat has been borderline unbearable as we regularly have been in the triple digits.  Luckily, I have had some help with watching Zoe since it has been way too hot to take her outside.  

To help keep Charlie and Anna entertained and cool, I have been setting up lots of water toys outside.  We have a blow up pool and water table that we use a lot.  There is also a very slippery slip-and-slide we have that has caused some injuries so it has been put away for the summer.  

Anna dumping water over her own head

Wearing Daddy's hat
In addition, Zach got a huge water slide toy from some neighbors.  Pictures of that in a later post.

Me and my best guy

I love these kiddos

Monday, August 20, 2012

Kid Pictures

Here are a few pictures of the kids that I thought were cute.


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Fritz's and Wonderscope

We had a rare weekend recently where we were staying in town and Zach was not on call.  That almost never happens for us.  We decided to spend the weekend doing fun things with the kids.

The kids' favorite place for breakfast is Fritz's, the choo-choo restaurant.  They love going there, and Zach is a big fan of their French toast.  The food usually comes out quickly, which is essential when we have all three kids out with us.  Thankfully Zoe tends to sleep most of the time she is in her car seat, so that just leaves Charlie and Anna to corral.  

We also decided to do Wonderscope.  I think I have described it before.  It's in an old small school.  There are about 10 rooms with different things to do in them.  There is a room full of golf balls with a bunch of ramps and things to run the balls down.  The kids really love that room, although it gets a bit noisy.  

There is also a room that is set up like a farm with play food, animals, etc., and one that is a medical room, where the kids can "read" x-rays.  Making Daddy proud!  Another room is full of water toys, and there is also a Lego room.  The kids had a great time, especially since Daddy was there to play with them!

Lego kitchen

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cousins in KC

After doing the lake with Erin's family, we returned to KC and met up with them a bunch here.  Before we did much with them, though, we had some good Zoe-time.  She needed to head to the doctor for her 2 month check up.  Our beautiful girl was 75% in height, weight, and head circumference.  She's doing great!  We also managed to sneak in a quick lunch with Daddy during a work day.

We met one night at Chuck E Cheese, which is a favorite for the kids.  The only time we really go there is when Erin is in town, so Charlie and Anna were thrilled to play cheap games and eat bad pizza.  To them it is almost as good as Disney!

Anna likes games where she can hit things!

Winning tickets makes it even better

Some tasty (not) pizza to cap things off

We also went back to Legoland.  Charlie really had a great time going again.  Anna is still a little young for it, but she plopped down at a building center and made Lego cupcakes for quite a while.  

Anna and Pawpaw

Uncle Zach with Andrew

Kenny on the Lego giraffe

Charlie's turn

Lego cupcakes for the little girls

Me and my best guy!  Not the best picture of Aunt Kelsey in the background- sorry!

Erin celebrated Kenny and Andrew's birthdays while she was here with a joint party.  That's where we did the Woody and Buzz pictures.  So stinkin' cute!  It was a lot of fun because a bunch of Zach's relatives came, so we had some good family time with everyone while enjoying cake and gifts.

Aunt Erin with her littlest, William

Too cute for words!

Aunt Kelsey with Zoe

Pirate Charlie

Anna with her cousin Kylie - the pirate princesses of the party