Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hanging Out in the Heat

Ready to head outside

This summer has been hotter than I thought possible.  The heat has been borderline unbearable as we regularly have been in the triple digits.  Luckily, I have had some help with watching Zoe since it has been way too hot to take her outside.  

To help keep Charlie and Anna entertained and cool, I have been setting up lots of water toys outside.  We have a blow up pool and water table that we use a lot.  There is also a very slippery slip-and-slide we have that has caused some injuries so it has been put away for the summer.  

Anna dumping water over her own head

Wearing Daddy's hat
In addition, Zach got a huge water slide toy from some neighbors.  Pictures of that in a later post.

Me and my best guy

I love these kiddos

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