Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cousins in KC

After doing the lake with Erin's family, we returned to KC and met up with them a bunch here.  Before we did much with them, though, we had some good Zoe-time.  She needed to head to the doctor for her 2 month check up.  Our beautiful girl was 75% in height, weight, and head circumference.  She's doing great!  We also managed to sneak in a quick lunch with Daddy during a work day.

We met one night at Chuck E Cheese, which is a favorite for the kids.  The only time we really go there is when Erin is in town, so Charlie and Anna were thrilled to play cheap games and eat bad pizza.  To them it is almost as good as Disney!

Anna likes games where she can hit things!

Winning tickets makes it even better

Some tasty (not) pizza to cap things off

We also went back to Legoland.  Charlie really had a great time going again.  Anna is still a little young for it, but she plopped down at a building center and made Lego cupcakes for quite a while.  

Anna and Pawpaw

Uncle Zach with Andrew

Kenny on the Lego giraffe

Charlie's turn

Lego cupcakes for the little girls

Me and my best guy!  Not the best picture of Aunt Kelsey in the background- sorry!

Erin celebrated Kenny and Andrew's birthdays while she was here with a joint party.  That's where we did the Woody and Buzz pictures.  So stinkin' cute!  It was a lot of fun because a bunch of Zach's relatives came, so we had some good family time with everyone while enjoying cake and gifts.

Aunt Erin with her littlest, William

Too cute for words!

Aunt Kelsey with Zoe

Pirate Charlie

Anna with her cousin Kylie - the pirate princesses of the party

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