Saturday, August 4, 2012

Lake with Zach's Family

Zach with 4 of the 6 kiddos

We headed back to the lake for another long weekend the weekend after the 4th of July.  Zach's sister Erin came to town with her three boys, and they were going to the lake with Zach's parents.  We decided to go back down so all the kids could play together.  Erin has three boys, all about a year apart from our kids, so it is a blast watching them play together.

Charlie and Jake before Kenny got to the lake

I love this picture

I actually got in the pool!

When they arrived at the lake on Saturday night, the power was out at Zach's parents' place.  So Zach's parents, Erin and kids, and Kelsey came over to our place for dinner.  Anna was already asleep, but Charlie was thrilled to see everyone.  Thankfully the power came back on later that night.

Anna now loves swimming on her own

Charlie loves cuddling with Zoe

On Sunday we had everyone back to our place.  It was insanely hot, so the pool was the place to be.  I kept Zoe inside since it was way too hot for her, but everyone else kept cool by swimming.  After that we made burgers and chicken nuggets and chowed down.  Something about being at the lake that makes you starving! 

We headed back Sunday afternoon and spent the rest of the week meeting up back in KC.

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