Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Fritz's and Wonderscope

We had a rare weekend recently where we were staying in town and Zach was not on call.  That almost never happens for us.  We decided to spend the weekend doing fun things with the kids.

The kids' favorite place for breakfast is Fritz's, the choo-choo restaurant.  They love going there, and Zach is a big fan of their French toast.  The food usually comes out quickly, which is essential when we have all three kids out with us.  Thankfully Zoe tends to sleep most of the time she is in her car seat, so that just leaves Charlie and Anna to corral.  

We also decided to do Wonderscope.  I think I have described it before.  It's in an old small school.  There are about 10 rooms with different things to do in them.  There is a room full of golf balls with a bunch of ramps and things to run the balls down.  The kids really love that room, although it gets a bit noisy.  

There is also a room that is set up like a farm with play food, animals, etc., and one that is a medical room, where the kids can "read" x-rays.  Making Daddy proud!  Another room is full of water toys, and there is also a Lego room.  The kids had a great time, especially since Daddy was there to play with them!

Lego kitchen

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