Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Cooler Lake Weekend

After lots of 100+ degree days it finally began to cool down into the 90s for a little bit.  We hit up the lake one of these "cooler" weekends.  It was great to have it a little more tolerable, so we could enjoy the outside for longer.  

Zoe in her new cute swimsuit

Charlie and Anna swimming along

It actually was nice enough to take Zoe out for a short while.  We pulled out her cute little swimsuit and plopped her under the shade at the pool for some fresh air.  After a while we even decided to take her in the water for a few minutes to cool her down.  Zoe was very confused but still content floating around.  I think she's going to be water girl!

Chilling outside in the shade

Anna never takes off her sunglasses

Zoe's first time in the pool!


Charlie and Anna had a great time without getting too overheated, which was nice.  Anna spent some time looking her usual fabulous self on the jet ski.  Charlie spent most of the weekend doing his favorite activity - water table.  

She always has to look good!

We really enjoyed the weather not being so unbearable.  Unfortunately the next few lake weekends the heat picked way back up.  Fortunately we got to have a weekend of getting Zoe outside.

Getting a little sun

Anna traded in sunglasses for goggles

Perfect end to the lake weekend!

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