Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Halloween 10/31/11

Halloween was a blast.  Charlie went as Thomas the train (same as last year) and Anna was a cute little ladybug.  Charlie's pm school had a parade and party, and we were lucky that Zach got out of work early and was able to come with us.  Anna did not want to be left out, so she wore her costume too.  The parade was adorable with all the preschool kids in costumes walking around for the parents.  They were so proud of themselves!  The party was fun, but both kids were worn out after.

When we got home from school, Charlie chowed down on some dinner while Anna took a nap to prepare for trick or treating.  They were thrilled to put back on their Thomas and ladybug gear and head out.  Charlie remembered what to do from last year and was so excited to say "trick or treat" at each house.  He doesn't eat candy (his choice, we can't get him to try any) so he was not impressed with the treats.  He kept just complaining that his Thomas bucket was getting heavy!  Anna, on the other hand, LOVED getting the candy!  She would take it herself and carefully put it in her bucket and then look in to make sure she hadn't dropped it.  Anna actually wanted to stay out longer than Charlie and did a few houses on her own. 

After walking around for so long, the kids were really happy to be back home.  Anna tried some Reece's peanut butter cups and was a fan.  Both kids had a blast answering the door for the older trick or treaters that came by.  We even got to see the old owners of our house (who now have 9 kids!)  They had to move to get more room.

All in all a great afternoon and evening with the kids.  They had so much fun that we can't wait for next year when they get it even better.  Maybe Charlie will even try some of the candy.  We are placing bets on the odds we have a Thomas the train again!

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