Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Lake Weekend 11/18/11

We finally had a free weekend ahead of us, so we decided to head down to the lake.  Since we hadn't checked on the place in about 2 months we really needed to get down there.  Friday night we left around 6:30 and did the 3 hour drive to Lake of the Ozarks.  The kids really don't mind the drive, thankfully, so it goes by pretty quickly.  We got there about 9:30 and spent the next hour unpacking the car and letting the kids play and snack.  Then we all crashed until the next morning.

Anna and Charlie snacking before bed
Saturday we spent doing chores around the place.  The back deck needed power washing and staining, so that was Zach's big project.  I had about 20 loads of bedding, towels, etc that had piled up and needed to hit the laundry.  The kids spent the day playing with toys and trying to "help" Daddy with his projects.  The weather was actually pretty nice for mid-November.  

Charlie playing on the boat ramp to the water at the lake

 Saturday night we went over to our friends' the Riggins.  They are about 30 seconds about by boat but 20 min away by land.  Since we don't have a boat yet, we made the drive over to help celebrate Cade's 4th birthday.  Charlie is only a month older than Cade and a little more than a year younger than their oldest Jake.  He loves going over to play with them!  We had burgers, smores, and cake for Cade's birthday and stayed for about 2 hours.  Then exhaustion set in (mostly for me!) so we decided to go back home and have a really low key night.

Charlie, Cade, and Jake listening to a story
 Sunday was spent just finishing up some projects and then we headed out around noon.  We got home about 3:00, and the kids were bundles of energy from being in the car.  It probably didn't help that Anna had her first chocolate cream-filled HoHo on the drive.  Talk about a sugar high!  We had planned for Jana, their babysitter, to come around 4:00 so Zach and I could get a few things done in KC.  We passed the hyped up kids off, and Zach and I enjoyed some quiet alone time to do errands and have an adult-only dinner.  We returned home to a sleeping Anna and a very cuddly Charlie.  Busy weekend but lots of fun.  

Anna with cream filling all over her mouth

Oh man that was good!

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