Sunday, November 27, 2011

Pajamas and Pancakes Day 11/22/11

Charlie's afternoon preschool has an annual Pajamas and Pancake Day at school that he absolutely loves.  All the kids wear their pjs to school for the day, which makes them feel super special.  This year I bought Charlie a new pair of Thomas the train Christmas pajamas, and he could not have been happier to show them off to all of his friends.  They do a normal class for the first part of the afternoon, then the party starts at 2:30.  Parents and siblings are invited to the class to participate, which is really nice.

This year I got a babysitter for Anna so Charlie and I could have some Mommy-Charlie alone time.  He was thrilled when I got to school and told him it would just be the two of us.  (Unfortunately Zach had to work, so he had to miss the party.)  Charlie and I sat a small table in his classroom with a few of his friends and had pancakes and juice for an hour.  He introduced me to everyone (even though I know most of them since he was in the class last year too) and he felt like such a big kid for the afternoon.  It was really great to get some time with just him for once.

Having a great time with my guy!

After the party we hurried home because Uncle Jeff was on his way to our house to celebrate Thanksgiving.  Charlie was so excited when he got home and found another friend to play with!

Air hockey time with Uncle Jeff

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