Friday, November 18, 2011

Kelsey's Wedding Weekend Part 1 11/12/11

Zach's younger sister Kelsey got married this past weekend to Adam.  They have been together for many years, and everyone was so excited for the wedding!  Zach's older sister Erin flew in with her three kids, Kenny, Andrew and Will.  Kenny is just over a year older than Charlie, Andrew is almost exactly a year older than Anna, and Will was just born in October.  The kids all love playing together, so it was great that Erin managed to make it despite having a baby only a month ago.  My dad also made it up for the wedding, so the kids were thrilled at having Grandpa here to play with them.

Anna wearing Grandpa's hat while she waits for him to come play with her

Anna chilling with Grandpa in their (unintentionally) coordinated outfits!

 The festivities kicked off on Thursday night.  Adam's parents threw a dinner at Johnny Cascones, a local Italian restaurant.  The food was great, and even better was getting to see all the family.  It also happened to be Kelsey's birthday that night, so we had fun getting to celebrate that in addition to the rehearsal dinner.  We left the kids at home with a babysitter and enjoyed a night out without them.  My dad got to meet lots of Zach's relatives and Kelsey's friends, which was fun too since he hears about them from us.

Zach with the newest family member William Howard Opfer

 Friday we had the rehearsal in the afternoon.  The kids were in heaven seeing all their cousins and had lots of fun practicing for Saturday.  Zach was one of the groomsmen, Anna was the flower girl, Charlie was Anna's escort, and I did a reading, so it was a little hectic making sure we knew what everyone had to do.  Thankfully it all went smoothly at the rehearsal.  After that we headed to Zach's parents' house, Howard and Jawn, for dinner.  They had a low key dinner so everyone could hang out and the kids could play before we needed to return home since Saturday was going to be a big day.

Kenny and Charlie looking so handsome!
Saturday morning came bright and early!  We had tons to do in terms of getting ready.  The kids were full of energy, and we tried to wear them out in the morning so they wouldn't be too hyper when we got to the church.  Anna went down for a quick nap but was too excited to really get a rest.  Zach had to leave us around 11 am, but luckily I had my dad in town to help.  We headed to the church a little later and arrived around 1:00.  The wedding began at 2:00, so that gave us some time to get the kids dressed and let them play.  Anna was getting a little grumpy as time wore on but was really excited when the ceremony started!

Andrew, Pawpaw, and Charlie waiting for things to begin

Anna wondering if it is her turn yet

The bridesmaids and groomsmen went down the aisle first, and then Kenny went as the ring bearer.  I was in the back with the kids, so I sent Charlie and Anna down next.  They tried holding hands at first, but Charlie was too excited to wait and ran down.  Anna took her time and thoroughly enjoyed all the attention as you can see from the video!  About 2 minutes after getting the kids down the aisle, I had my reading to do.  The ceremony flew by after that and soon we were cheering and blowing bubbles for the happily married Mr. and Mrs. Brahl!

Charlie and Anna with Grandpa while we cheered on the newly married couple

Zach and I just celebrated 6 years last month

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