Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving Part 1 11/22/11

The week of Thanksgiving was a busy one.  My brother got in Tuesday afternoon at exactly the same time as Charlie and I got home from PJ Day at school.  Jeff was literally knocking on the front door as I pulled in the driveway.  The kids spent the evening going crazy because they were so happy to have someone visiting.  Jeff was a good sport about playing with them, although I'm sure he was happy when they finally settled down for cartoons!  Zach was on call for the whole week, and Tues night did not get home until after 10 pm.  We all went right to bed within 30 min of Zach getting home.

Charlie and Anna hanging out with Uncle Jeff

Wed I spent the day trying to get errands done before my parents came to town.  I picked them up from the airport at 3:30, and the kids were beside themselves with joy to have Grandma and Grandpa in town.  It was fun to see that even Anna remembered them.  She wouldn't let my mom put her down at all.   

Anna watching out the window for Grandma and Grandpa

We made burgers on the grill for dinner and once again had dinner without poor Zach.  Normally I wait to eat with him, even if it is 10:00, but with family in town we were ready for food by 6:00.  We ate and played with the kids all evening, and hung around until Zach joined us around 10 pm again.  Poor guy!

Charlie and Grandma playing air hockey while Grandpa keeps score

Charlie so pleased to be winning!

Thurs morning the guys got up and did a local 4 mile race.  Zach won!  My brother Jeff is a great runner, and he helped pace Zach throughout the run, which was really nice of him.  When Zach, Jeff, and my dad got home, there was plenty to do for Thanksgiving dinner.  This was going to be my first year doing a holiday meal at our house.  I am well aware of my limitations in the kitchen, however, so I had called upon HyVee for some assistance.  I ordered ahead a turkey, gravy, rolls, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and green bean casserole.  They all came mostly ready to go, which was great.  We also picked up cranberries, squash, mac n cheese (a tradition at my parents' house!), corn, and salad.  As soon as we got home the turkey had to go in the oven for 2 hours to finish cooking.  We spent that time getting the rest of the food prepped and heated so everything would be finished at once.  Thank goodness my mom was there to coordinate and time everything with me. 

Zach's parents arrived at 1:30, and we had some little snacks out to tide us over until we ate at about 2:15.  They brought apple and pumpkin pies for dessert, so it was nice having that taken care of.  Everyone chatted and hung out until we had Howard carve the turkey, and then it was time to eat.  We all ate and ate and ate and most of the food was polished off.  It was pretty successful for our first time doing a formal dinner if I do say so myself.  Zach's parents stayed until around 6 pm at which point Zach started getting ready to go back in to work.   

Anna laughing as she gets her picture taken

Charlie showing PawPaw and Grandpa how he plays Candy Land

My dad decided to take Charlie to see Puss in Boots at the 7 pm and my mom and I were going to stay home with Anna and Jeff.  As Zach was walking out the door for work and my dad was leaving for the movies Zach got a call canceling his case.  Plans changed and Zach, my dad, Charlie and I all went to the movies together.  It was an okay movie but not great.  I just had fun hanging out with everyone.  We came home and it was time for bed not much after that.

Grandpa and Anna reading after dinner

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