Monday, November 21, 2011

Kelsey's Wedding Part 2 11/12/11

We did pictures in the church for the hour following the ceremony, and then the kids and I were done for a while.  Zach had to head with the rest of the bridal party for pictures, so my dad and I took the kids home until the reception started.  I had gotten the kids' babysitter to come and take Anna for the night since we knew she would not last from noon until 9 pm without a nap.  Anna ended up staying home the whole evening, which meant we got some great time with Charlie.

The reception began at 4:30, and we had about an hour there before the bridal party arrived.  That was fine since it gave us time to catch up with Zach's relatives and meet lots of Adam's family.  We also got to see good friends like the Abplanalps and some others that we hadn't seen in a while.  Once the bride and groom got there, we had a buffet dinner and then heard speeches from the best man, one of the matrons of honor, and Kelsey's dad.  They were all wonderful and made us teary eyed!

Dancing began after that, and Charlie loved it!  He danced for hours with me, Zach, and especially grandpa.  My poor dad's feet and back must have hurt after that night!  Charlie, my dad and I managed to last until 9:00 before we called it a night.  Zach stayed over an hour later before heading home with his dad.  Needless to say we all crashed hard.

Sunday kept the festivities going.  Howard and Jawn hosted a brunch at their house for relatives to say goodbye to each other.  We went for about an hour and picked up Duane, Erin's husband to take to the airport since he and my dad flew out at the same time.  Zach dropped Anna and I off at home to relax before the guys headed out for an airport run.

A few hours later we had an overnight guest.  Charlie had Kenny over for a sleepover.  They had so much fun together!  They played hard and then slept hard, so it was a pretty easy night for us thankfully.  We were exhausted!

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