Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Yo Gabba Gabba Live 11/6/11

We decided to get Charlie 4 books and a movie for his birthday since toys are a little out of control at our house.  Shortly after his bday (10/22) he saw ads for Yo Gabba Gabba Live that would be in KC.  Since he didn't get much from us, we thought this would be a fun thing to do as a family as the rest of his bday present.  (I do use the term "fun" loosely.  Zach and I were well aware that this could be quite painful for us, but the kids would love it!)  We also knew that our friends the Lemons would be there, so we would have people to meet up with.

We arrived at the show about 30 min early.  Enough time for the kids to look around but not so long that they would want to leave before anything started!  Of course the first thing we had to had up were the tee shirts.  Thankfully Anna is too young to care, so we just had to get one for Charlie.  But then the kids noticed the glow sticks.  At just $10 a pop, a true bargain!  Ha.  They were the size of a pencil, and Anna had to have one too.  Then, because we are suckers, we also got the kids each a stuffed animal.  Charlie got Plex the robot and Anna went for Foofa the pink one.  Actually turned out to be money really well spent since Anna chewed on her toy the entire and stayed quiet.  

The show started and both kids were mesmerized.  We were a little concerned about Anna thinking it was too loud and bright, but she was clapping along.  Charlie was having a blast jumping and dancing around like a maniac.  Apparently one of the cast members liked his moves because he was asked to go up on stage!  She gave him a special "Dance Party" sticker to wear and told him she would be back after intermission.  Charlie was very excited, although a little confused about what was happening.  (Only downside was that meant we could not sneak out early!)

Charlie with his special "Dance Party" sticker that let him go on stage

We made it through the very looooong intermission just barely.  Anna was getting really bored with all the down time.  She got back in the mood to dance once the show resumed thankfully.  A little bit into the second half, cast members came and rounded up the 10 or 12 kids picked to be on stage.  They took them up there and let them dance their hearts out!  It was so fun to see our little guy showing off all his moves to the entire audience.  After they brought Charlie back to his seat, he was exhausted and ready to go.  Luckily there was not much left.  We managed to finish out the show and say hi to the Lemons family before heading home.

It was a show Zach and I were kind of dreading, but I think we enjoyed it the most since we got to see our favorite little man up on stage!

Charlie and Anna have the wiggles!!

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