Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day with Daddy Again

Where's Charlie?

After the kids had spent the day with Daddy on Saturday, our plan was family time on Sunday.  We had some stuff to do, including a birthday party to go to.  What we did not anticipate were the completely horrible leg cramps I would suffer Sat night/Sun morning beginning around 2 am.  They shot up and down my legs and caused unbelievable pain.  It appeared I may have actually torn something in my left foot because I could not walk on it at all until about 3:00 in the afternoon.

Pure joy

Anna found Charlie.  (I realize now that Charlie appears to be holding a poop-like object!  Not so!!  Just a water toy)

This put Zach on Dad duty again.  He made the best of it and spent the morning keeping the kids occupied.  Anna and Charlie both took naps that afternoon and the naps even overlapped which was great!  

Then we had our friend Ryan's third birthday party to go to.  The party was at the Matt Ross Comm Center about 20 min from where we live.  Since I still could not really walk, I stayed home with the sleeping Anna.  Zach took Charlie over for the cake and presents and pool time.  Thankfully by the time Anna woke up from her nap I could hobble around somewhat.  I did not want her to miss out on the party, so we packed up and headed over.

Lazy river

Anna and Zach right behind Charlie

Matt Ross has a great pool area, so I am glad Anna and I made it.  Zach was a real trooper and had both kids in the pool by themselves.  They really had a blast.  When it was time to go Charlie was exhausted, however Anna was not pleased and tried to put her water arms back on.  We gave her another 5 min and then hauled her out of the pool and into the changing area.  Zach stood her on a bench and tried to change her.  Anna was not going to let her displeasure go unnoticed though.  She grabbed Zach's shirt, bent down to look in his eyes, and laid into him.  It was one of the funniest things we have ever seen.  She yelled and yelled at him.  Thankfully a pacifier quickly quieted her down so we could head out.

Anna loves to jump in the pool.  She felt like such a big kid

The kids had a wonderful weekend with Zach, and the birthday party was a blast.  All these indoor water areas are an awesome way in the winter to wear the kids out.

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